James M. Berklan
James M. Berklan
James M. Berklan

We hear it all the time: When it comes to technology, healthcare is way behind compared to other industries.

And when you bring skilled nursing into the picture? Oh, brother, forget it. They’re the behind of the behind.

I believe the labels of inadequacy are overblown, or at least framed wrong, and I’d like your help proving it.

Sure, the banking and computing industries may have computer security programs that only young Einsteins (or older Einsteins — we are not ageist here, after all) could come up with. And other industries may offer layer after layer of automation genius.

But think to yourself: How many hands do the players in those industries hold? How many hearts and lives do they enlarge? How often do they help an elderly, fragile person feel “at home”?

Largely, they don’t. So there’s no shaming when we want to talk about skilled nursing and tech. You simply use processes and formulas in different ways.

We want to hear about it. Hundreds of providers — of all sizes, from coast to coast — have told us in the past how they do care right. And they’ve been honored in the annual McKnight’s Excellence in Technology Awards program. Now, it’s your turn. (See past winners and current articles here.)

Rather than asking yourself, “Hmmm, what great ‘techie’ thing can we try to impress with?” Ask: “What do we do particularly well?” Then work backwards and tell us how it happens.

The McKnight’s annual awards competition puts “technology” out front, but it emphasizes caregiving. As providers, you know all about care. Others don’t.

It’s time to tell us how it gets done. High-tech or low-tech, there’s plenty at work that is praiseworthy. Don’t be shy.

Check out our simple entry form at www.mcknightstechawards.com now. Entries will be accepted until July 24.

The entry fee couldn’t be less expensive (it’s free), but the payoff is priceless: National recognition for the great care you do.

The six categories have soft boundaries. Enter in one or more of them: Quality, High Tech/High Touch, Innovator of the Year, Keep It Super Simple, Safety, and Transitions.

If you aren’t doing something good in at least a few of these, you aren’t in business.

Judges will recognize providers at the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honorable Mention level.

Don’t let the others always get all the attention. It’s your turn now.

STANLEY Healthcare is this year’s program Platinum Sponsor. MatrixCare is the program’s Gold Sponsor for Senior Living.