Allen Bonace

Sister Phyllis McCracken will step down as president/CEO of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie effective June 30. The organization’s board of trustees has named Allen L. Bonace as her successor.

McCracken leaves Saint Mary’s to assume an elected role of Leadership with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania. She has served as the President/CEO of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie for the past 17 years.

Bonace joined Saint Mary’s Home of Erie in 2003 and has led several initiatives throughout his tenure to advance the care provided by Saint Mary’s. He has established programs to reduce the spread of disease in the facility and limit the unnecessary use of antibiotics, and ensured that Saint Mary’s achieved a 5-year CARF-CCAC accreditation.

He attended Ohio University in Athens, OH, and received an Associate Degree in Nursing from Hocking College. He completed a dual Master of Science in Nursing and Master in Business Administration degree from Gannon University.