Ziyad Al-Aly, M.D.
Ziyad Al-Aly, M.D.

A new study ties long-term use of certain heartburn drugs to fatal illnesses. And seniors may be especially at risk, according to researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care.

Proton pump inhibitors are the medications in question. They are used by more than 15 million people each year to address problems such as acid reflux and ulcers, and include brand name drugs such as Prilosec and Prevacid. They’re also readily available over the counter. While long-term use of PPIs may be recommended to prevent complications from severe disease, the drugs are often used to solve short-term problems with little or no follow-up by a physician. This may be a risky choice, said the study’s lead author, Ziyad Al-Aly, M.D. The study subjects had a 17% increase in the risk of death from diseases such as cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and upper gastrointestinal cancer, over that of a comparison group, and that risk rose with time.

“These drugs are overutilized, and it’s more pronounced in older folks and institutionalized adults in nursing homes, even more so than in the general population,” Al-Aly told McKnight’s. “This population is also more vulnerable to the side effects than the average person on the street.” Considering the potential costs of unmonitored use, seniors should check in with their doctors regularly when taking the drugs, he said.

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