Mark Heston
Mark Heston
Mark Heston

Good retention rates are driven by good working relationships, and a May 29 webinar will offer expert advice on how managers can help create better connections to engage staff and lower turnover. The one-hour event, titled “Road to Retention: Bridging the Gap Between Managers & Employees,” starts at 1 p.m. ET and will offer innovative and practical ideas.

Featured speakers will be Mark Heston, founding principal for Heston & Associates Consulting, and Peter Corless, executive vice president of enterprise development at OnShift. McKnight’s Editor James M. Berklan will moderate the webinar, which is being sponsored by OnShift.

Attendees will learn how to create a winning culture with coaching models that improve organizational performance; build rock-solid relationships through communication, transparency and technology; and drive retention with a new take on employee assistance programs that uplift staff members.

For more information or to register for this free webinar, go here.