Seventeen long-term and post-acute care associations announced they had joined, a workforce website originally launched in 2017 by the Indiana Health Care Association/Indiana Center for Assisted Living.

The goal of the site is to increase awareness of career pathways and boost workforce retention. The states that joined are Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin.

The site now includes a newly launched member portal that gives providers direct access to candidate interest forms, and a member portal allows recruitment. Recruiters will be able to receive instant notifications via email about candidate interest form submissions, and filter and export submissions by zip codes, education, date and other predefined variables.

“This collective effort will bring great value to our members, job seekers, students and the long-term and post-acute care profession as a whole,” said AHCA/NCAL President and CEO Mark Parkinson. “We’re excited to see this partnership come together and give our support to help providers attract and retain qualified, dedicated caregivers.”