James M. Berklan, Editor
James M. Berklan, Editor

I think one of the saddest living-under-a-permanent-raincloud stories of recent years is the one about the long-term care administrator who tried to work at the beach but get sand in his keyboard and ruined the device.

That happened while surveyors were storming his building for the most detailed forensic examination of a skilled nursing facility you ever saw. And did I mention that he was at the beach during an unauthorized vacation neither his staff nor superiors knew about?

While he was there, he also dropped his cell phone in the surf without knowing it before it was soaked beyond saving.

Did any of this really happen? Of course not. Administrators, and other long-term care pros, are way too smart for any of the above. (OK, there probably IS an instance of one trying to do his or her work while on vacation. And maybe at the beach at that. … OK, more than one or two.)

The heck of it is, there CAN be a lot to be gained if you’re on spring break the last week of March this year. And all it would take is an internet connection — and a laptop placed safely away from any sand piles or crashing waves.

I’m talking about the 13th Annual McKnight’s Online Expo. THAT is where the really clever long-term care professionals migrate each spring (and summer … and fall, come to think of it). This year the virtual trade show bonanza takes place March 27 and 28 and it looks to be bigger and better than ever.

Five national experts are once again lined up to deliver educational webinars on topics ranging from wound care to technology — all suitable for any long-term care professional. Your “souvenirs” from such a trip can be five crisp CE certificates, which can be earned for the same price that all attendees pay for everything at a McKnight’s Online Expo: Zero. That’s right, zip.

If you’re getting the idea that this is sounding more and more like bargain vacation, it really is. Whether you do hit the beach or mountains (or like most of us, stay put and remain on the work clock), the Online Expo is the place for you.

Thousands have done it each time for years, and for all the right reasons: Education, exhibit hall browsing, and networking with fellow professionals.

Registration has opened here, and once you do it (starting now) it’s valid for whether you attend one or all five webinars. The choices are yours, as is the location from which you choose to listen and watch.

Just use a little extra caution if you try it at the beach, and the boss doesn’t know where you are, and you’ve dropped your phone in water. But if the surveyors are at the door, invite them in. We have things for them to learn too!

Additional details, including the full webinar line-up and registration form, are available at www.mcknights.com/expo2019.

Follow Editor James M. Berklan @JimBerklan.