Friday (January 18) is the final day for free entries for the McKnight’s Women of Distinction honors program, the industry’s highest honors dedicated to female professionals. Starting Saturday, a nominal $25 nomination entry fee will be in effect.

Regardless of any entry cost, the payoff is significant. The inaugural Women of Distinction program will celebrate accomplished women professionals in two divisions: The Hall of Honor (for veterans) and the “Rising Stars” category (for relative newcomers). Both classes of winners will be feted with national coverage in print and online, in addition to other perks.

Wide stretches of the country have produced scores of nominations thus far, with many other entries already started but awaiting their final keystrokes by nominators who paused the process for one reason or another.

Nominations may be made through January 31. At that point, judging by an independent national panel will take place. Honorees are expected to be announced in April.

For more on the program, including more nomination details, go here.