MLTCN page 10, January 2019, Paul Griffin
Director Griffin: Familiarity leads to better predictions and care.

A new partnership in Indiana aims to improve quality and costs for the state’s Medicaid long-term care patients by targeting transitions and medication management in linked provider “neighborhoods.”

The initiative is getting equal billing with efforts to combat community opioid addiction in a two-year, $12 million program funded by Indiana’s Family and Social Services Administration and the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering at Purdue University.

This effort is part of an ongoing initiative to provide quality reporting and health IT security services to hundreds of healthcare institutions.

Providers will be linked through “small-care neighborhoods” including clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, and social services. They will communicate with each other through real-time integration of clinical and operational data. 

Special long-term care efforts will focus on managing medications during hospital-to-LTC transitions and using analytics.

“A community that understands the big picture, has the ability to see moving parts in real time, and can predict pitfalls will be more successful in tackling problems that prevent effective patient care,” said Paul Griffin, director of the Regenstrief Center.