November 2018 LTCN, Page 10, Nursing, Businesswoman, Gun
A video of simulation scenarios is available at

A workplace violence training program developed by an Ohio health system equipped staff with new responses and for reacting to potentially violent situations.

Summa Health System’s efforts included classroom learning, simulations of “code silver” crises involving weapons or hostage situations, and self-defense techniques. Leaders wanted to develop a response program that gave caregivers more options as workplace violence became an increasing concern in healthcare settings. The design of many facilities, where hiding is complicated by the need to protect patients and access to locked rooms is limited, made many existing training programs inadequate.

The company built a 100,000-square-foot simulation center, allowing for construction of a mock portable nursing unit where it could train and evaluate its employees in four scenarios, and determine physical vulnerabilities of its facilities.

The team detailed its modified approach, known as Violence: enABLE Yourself to Respond, in the October issue of the American Journal of Nursing.

“Although the simulation was designed for acute care, in our health system individuals from a variety of departments including clinical, non-clinical, executive, and support staff attended and benefited from participation in the program,” the system reported.