Mark Woodka
Mark Woodka, OnShift

In order to engage job candidates and reduce no-show interviews, OnShift has introduced its Text2Hire™ platform.

The system automatically books interviews with job applicants through text messaging. This allows providers to reduce time on phone calls, voice mails or by sending emails. The reduced time also keeps candidates engaged, CEO Mark Woodka said.Reaching millenials, in particular, is often easier via text.

“Our research shows there is a huge opportunity to help providers with automated text-based recruiting for senior care,” he said, noting research has indicated that texting is the preferred message of communication for candidates between ages 18 and 44.

“We’ve seen customers successfully use OnShift Text2Hire across all departments and positions, given its simplicity and effectiveness, and most importantly – its automation of interview scheduling,” Woodka said.

Hiring managers can store, search and monitor candidate progress during the recruitment process, as well as see executive dashboards and reports. This lets them look quickly to see the candidate contact rate, interviews scheduled and job offers made.

Early adopters have reported improvement in recruiting and hiring, including 60% fewer interview no-shows, OnShift said. More than a third of providers said having candidates come in for an interview are among major hiring pain points.

“OnShift Text2Hire has improved our metrics overall; we’ve doubled the amount of candidates hired while cutting our time-to-hire in half. And new employees have loved the quick interaction,” said Shelly Szarek-Skodny, CEO of Century Oak Care Center in Middleburg Heights, OH.

Text2Hire is compatible with iPhones, Android and other text-enabled phones.