Judi Kulus, VP of Curriculum Development, AADNS

When interviewing potential nursing employees, is there a way to detect the ones I should not hire?

Making the best hiring decisions as a director of nursing services depends greatly on knowing whom not to hire.

While work experience is critical, the DNS mustn’t overlook the importance of a well-written, error-free resumé. Has the candidate presented him- or herself well through a grammatically correct and spell-checked document?

Furthermore, while a resumé may reflect great experience, does it show a pattern of job-hopping? Delving into why a prospective employee left previous jobs is essential. If a candidate makes negative statements about a previous employer or an offhand comment about an argument with a manager, you should pause and dig more deeply into what happened. During the candidate’s explanation, listen closely for a victim mentality. Avoid hiring someone negative, at all costs!

Also, look closely at the candidate’s physical appearance. Being inappropriately dressed for your facility setting may indicate a poor match. If the candidate has not spent the time on professional self-presentation for the interview, why expect different behavior on the job? The same goes for being late to the interview or rudeness to the front-desk person.

Understandably, interviews can make people nervous, so it’s best to try to put the candidate at ease. But still pay attention to any red flags, such as body language that’s inconsistent with the words being spoken. Looking down and avoiding eye contact might indicate nervousness, but it could also signal exaggeration or outright lies.

Finally, during an interview, observe whether the candidate asks good questions, articulates self-knowledge about areas needing growth and shows a passionate attitude toward elders.

For the first time in three years, nurse turnover rates declined.

Please send your nursing-related questions to Judi Kulus at [email protected].