ellumi Recessed Shower Light


The ellumi™ germ-killing Recessed Shower Light, which uses VioSafe® technology, is now available through Evolution Lighting, the company said.

The LED multitasks by going from standard mode to disinfection mode, inhibiting mold, mildew and bacteria, the company said. The ellumi™ Disinfection Mode is safe for continuous human (and pet) exposure.

It can be retrofitted and is recommended for target surfaces within nine feet. It can also be used in a kitchen, laundry room or bedroom.

VioSafe® technology continuously kills bacteria, mold, and mildew on high-touch surfaces in interior environments, the company said. The ellumi™ Under Cabinet light also launched in March. Both can also be purchased for home use.

“In meeting after meeting with hospital administrators, infection control experts, facilities managers, athletics directors and a host of other commercial clients, the question always comes up: ‘Can I buy this for my home?’ With the launch of ellumi™, the answer is ‘Yes,’” said Vital Vio co-founder and CEO Colleen Costello. She started the company after her grandmother contracted MRSA during a hospital stay.