Gaylyn Timiney, RN, BA

About 25% of people admitted to skilled nursing facilities from hospitals land back in the hospital within 30 days. Attendees at a free McKnight’s webcast will learn how to turn that tide. The result will be improved resident satisfaction, and provider reputations and bottom lines. Registration and attendance are both free. The event starts at 1 p.m. Eastern Time on Sept. 25.

To register and learn more about the webcast, click here.

Webinar attendees will learn how to:

·       Define transition of care and transition challenges

·       Identify the need for a transition program

·       Discuss ways to assist the facilities in bridging the gaps within the continuum of care

·      What role workforce management can play in lowering readmissions

·      Best practices in aligning properly skilled caregivers to residents’ care needs

·      Ways to proactively manage staffing coverage more cost-effectively

Featured speakers are Gaylyn Timiney, RN, BA, MA, a senior industry consultant with Kronos Incorporated, and Angel McGarrity-Davis, RNC, CDONA, NHA, Director of Clinical HIT Development-Omegacare Online, and CEO of AMD HealthCare Solutions. McKnight’s Editor James M. Berklan will moderate the event, which is being sponsored by Kronos Incorporated.