James M. Berklan
James M. Berklan

If you study the stars and calendar, you know that summer doesn’t officially arrive for three weeks.

Yet if you went outside last weekend in parts of the Midwest, you felt the continual 90 degree temperatures and you know: Summer is already here.

In other words, It’s mid-year and about as far away as it gets from the plotting of New Year’s resolutions and other self-realization dreams. For some reason, it’s also a long way from many professional contests and competitions.

Except for McKnight’s. Yes, now is the time you can earn the accolades your unit, floor or facility works all year to realize.

Nominations are now being accepted for the McKnight’s Excellence in Technology Awards. There are 20 — TWENTY — categories this year, and for the first time, separate opportunities in skilled nursing and senior living divisions. The odds of winning have never been better.

Here’s the key: Simply click into mcknightsawards.com and scroll down past the category descriptions. Find the one(s) you want to enter — multiples are allowed. Click on the “Choose this track” button, and you’re on your way. Entering is still free and the biggest no-brainer there is.

In addition, it’s a simple way to make a sophisticated statement about your work — and to re-energize your team. Why work so hard all year and take your eye off the ball now?

You have until July 20 to submit. Check out the simple entry form here to find where you’re best suited. Just remember to scroll down through the category lists and click on the appropriate “Choose This Track” button.

Past winners have been big and small, rural and suburban, users of both high-tech and low-tech. In other words, there’s no reason you can’t join that circle. We’ll run articles about all winners later this year.

No matter what the month, winning is always in season.

Follow Editor James M. Berklan @JimBerklan.