James M. Berklan
James M. Berklan

Some people sit down at the beginning of each year and make relatively ambitious goals.

Then there’s you and the rest of the shrewd crowd. You don’t wait for an annual occasion to plot life’s most important moves. You do it more often. Perhaps every other month or quarterly. You and your everyday work life deserve no less.

That makes this month’s McKnight’s Online Expo the perfect present. (Although if something is free, is it still a present? One way or another, it’s quite valuable.) It’s a gift to yourself, from us, for the benefit of you, your workplace and your profession.

Yes, it’s time for the 12th annual McKnight’s Online Expo — or MOE, as I affectionately call it.

We’ll run five webinars on core topics to your profession. Each will carry free CE credit.

This year’s line-up of speakers is perhaps our best, which is saying a lot: Leah Klusch on payment matters; Ilene Warner Maron on wound care and pressure ulcers; Emily H. Wein on the rising fortunes of telehealth; JoAnne Carlin on critical work safety issues; and Beth Mace on everyone’s favorite topic, money (OK, “working capital”).

Check out more details and the registration link at www.mcknights.com/Expo2018. If you’ve fallen off the self-improvement wagon, or even if you haven’t, MOE is here to help.

You can take part from the comfort of your own space — or, frankly, anywhere you can get an internet connection. 

Our virtual trade show attracts thousands each year. In addition to the educational webinars, it offers a virtual exhibit hall for easy online browsing, researching and shopping. This all can happen from your very own easy chair.

It’s a great deal for any long-term care professional — especially anyone who wants to stay sharp in a profession that demands high quality care and timely service.

So many things need more than an annual checkup — your teeth, your car, your underwear drawer — doesn’t the way you make your living deserve at least as much?

A winning choice is right before you at mcknights.com/Expo2018. See you there. 

For more detailed information about this year’s event, which takes place March 14 and 15, turn to pages 20, 21, 24 and 25.