James M. Berklan
James M. Berklan

I’m going out on a limb here, I know. But if part or all of your New Year’s resolutions are already a distant memory or otherwise on the dust heap, you’re not alone.

The answer is simple: Reassert yourself to the optimistic, goal-oriented ideas you latched onto at the start of the year.

Next, let us be a part of that. In particular, take a good look at the details about our 12th Annual McKnight’s Online Expo and then get thee to the registration page. It’s still all free. 

That’s right: If you’ve fallen off the self-improvement wagon, MOE (McKnights Online Expo) is here to help. It’s a two-day event that you can take part in from the comfort of your own space — or, frankly, anywhere you can get an internet connection.

Running March 14 and 15, the virtual trade show opens its doors at 10:30 a.m. ET. The first webinar will cover emerging payment issues, starting at 11. That’s when one of the most knowledgeable consultants about payment and reimbursements around lets you in on some secrets.

Before the two days are over, you will have questioned the status quo on pressure ulcer protocols, and learned best practices for live-shooter and other emergency situations. You’ll also have received the pros and cons of telemedicine as you never have before — you should hear about this, for the good of your work life and workplace. An overview and advice about the capital markets will close the educational offerings.

By that time, you will also have had the opportunity to chat digitally with the makers and suppliers of some of the best products in post-acute care.

This all can happen from the comfort of your very own chair. Check out more details and the registration link at www.mcknights.com/expo2018.

That’s not a bad deal for any long-term care professional — especially anyone who has struggled to keep New Year’s resolutions and other self-improvement vows. See you at the head of the line on that one.

Follow Editor James M. Berklan @JimBerklan.