Close up image of a caretaker helping older woman walk
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Status Solutions has launched CATIE Web so that seniors can access the product from outside their rooms.

The traditional CATIE in-room portal allows senior living facility residents stay connected with staff and family. CATIE Web allows them to maintain that connection through any laptop or computer with Google Chrome, rather than rely on location. This allows residents to log into CATIE Web to stay up-to-date when they are away from their community.

“The decision to develop CATIE Web stemmed from our ongoing commitment to improving quality of life for seniors in an increasingly on-demand world,” said Danielle Myers, general manager of Status Solutions. “By giving residents the ability to access the benefits of CATIE outside of their rooms, we’re helping to bridge the digital divide and streamline communication while fighting loneliness and isolation in this important demographic.”

CATIE Web includes bulletin board messaging, event and dining calendars, personal contacts, a video gallery and community/staff directories.

Myers added that the new feature can give long-term care facilities a market edge.

“CATIE Web creates the opportunity for senior living communities to connect with future residents by allowing them to test out some of the features while getting a glimpse at what day-to-day life is like, all before stepping foot into the building,” she said. “We’re excited to see how this new feature will help increase occupancy for our long-term care facilities partners.”