Rimidi, a digital health company provides software and clinical analytics for chronic disease management, and Eli Lilly and Company have announced a partnership.

Rimidi plans to integrate its diabetes management software platform with Lilly’s integrated insulin management system in development.

“Diabetes management is a collaborative effort between people with diabetes and their healthcare providers. With the right support they can achieve better results together,” said Lucienne Ide, M.D., Ph.D. and CEO of Rimidi. “We are proud to partner with Lilly to facilitate personalized management of diabetes. This is a ‘better together’ story.”

Lilly’s system includes a connected insulin pen with glucose-sensing technologies (e.g., glucose meter, CGM) and software applications to deliver personalized insulin dose recommendations. It is one of two platforms being developed by Lilly for the Connected Diabetes Ecosystem. Both platforms within the Ecosystem are currently in development, and some clinical trials have started, the company said.

Lilly said it hopes to make these platforms available in two to three years.