The Fundamentals
The Fundamentals

First Healthcare Compliance demonstrated its recently released “The Fundamentals” course and guidebook during the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living convention this week.

The guides are online learning tools that are meant to replace print textbooks or reference materials. Information covers the essentials of HIPAA, OSHA, federal healthcare enforcement and employment laws, the company said.

“With ever-more complex healthcare regulations on the rise, we are excited to be a part of this year’s AHCA/NCAL conference and have the opportunity to bring to the long-term and post-acute care professionals community easy-to-use compliance solutions, like The Fundamentals, that will support the hard work they do on a daily basis,” says Sheba Vine, FHC’s Vice President and General Counsel. “The Fundamentals course takes a user-friendly approach to teaching these important principles and practices.”

There are four interactive modules meant to be completed in under four hours. Those completing the course can earn a certificate by taking a 100-question exam.