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A 12th resident from a Hollywood Hills nursing home in Florida has died, which a coroner has attributed to the facility lacking air conditioning after Hurricane Irma.

Dolores Biamonte, 57, was the youngest resident of the 12 dead. Her family said she had a lifelong lung disease that kept her bedridden, and that she had lived at Hollywood Hills for three years, the Miami Herald reported. Biamonte was known for her love of animals, especially cats, her niece told the newspaper.

The Herald reported Thursday that two search warrants had been filed by police in September. The warrants ask for a variety of information, including building maintenance records, time logs, servers, visitor logs, training and license documents for employees, and documentation on residents, such as medical and drug administration.

The newspaper also has sued under Florida’s open records law for audio of all 911 calls made from the center on Sept. 13.

For more on Hurricane Irma- or Harvey-affected nursing homes, click here.