Geisinger and Boehringer Ingelheim, on behalf of its diabetes alliance with Eli Lilly and Company, said it had developed a collaboration to develop a risk-prediction model for three outcomes commonly associated with type 2 diabetes: cardiovascular death, kidney failure and hospitalization for heart failure.

The model will let healthcare professionals predict which of those with type 2 diabetes are most at risk for developing those conditions. It will be based on Geisinger de-identified electronic health record data such as demographics, vital signs, medical history, current medications and laboratory tests.

“Our partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim will use real-world data and predictive modeling to deploy precision healthcare strategies to bring the most value to the people we care for,” said Brent Williams, Geisinger assistant professor of epidemiology. “We hope the knowledge gained from this predictive model can help healthcare providers better target their treatment recommendations for people with type 2 diabetes and, as a result, lower their risk for these serious diabetes-related consequences.”

Geisinger is one of the nation’s largest health organizations.