Scott Rifkin, M.D.
Scott Rifkin, M.D.

Participants at McKnight’s Sept. 12 webinar will learn specific steps how data mining can improve quality of care and reduce hospital usage. “Turning quality into currency: How a small regional operator improved quality to raise revenues and profits” is the title of event, which starts at 1 p.m. ET.

Scott Rifkin, M.D. the founder and managing partner of Mid-Atlantic Health Care LLC, will be the featured speaker. He’ll tell how his group cut hospital re-admissions in half and successfully turned improved quality into dollars. It bettered clinical outcomes using data mining techniques and then added $700 per month per Medicare Part A resident to its bottom line.

Attendees also will learn how to evaluate their organizations’ ability to take risk and improve the bottom line. McKnight’s Editor James M. Berklan will moderate the free event, which is sponsored by Medline.

For more information or to register, click here.