James M. Berklan
James M. Berklan

I have a brother-in-law whom we often accuse of not being happy unless he’s complaining. Any time we ask him what he’d prefer as a solution or alternative, he clams up. Until he starts complaining again later.

Maybe you know the type. Hopefully you aren’t the type.

We might find out soon. If you’ve had some kind of complaint about the rigmarole of Medicare lately — and who hasn’t? — now’s the time to step up to get it fixed. Uncle Sam not only believes so, he’s also giving you a direct chance to take part in the clean-up effort.

As reported in our Daily Update on Wednesday, providers now have a “seat at the table” because the House Ways & Means Health Subcommittee is asking for your input for the new Medicare Red Tape Relief Project. Providers also will be invited to roundtable discussions.

If you have any complaints, now is the time to let them fly. Just click into this form and let them be known. Simplicity could be just around the corner. But here’s the rub: The form also asks you for a “proposed solution.” Or at least part of one.

Right now, you are being asked:

•  How can Congress help providers with legal mandates?

•  How can Congress work with federal health officials, such as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, to deliver regulatory relief through administrative action?

Now’s the time to be constructive. Meet with your staff and the Medicare-watchers in your building and let your voices be heard.

Otherwise, you’re just a brother-in-law out in the driveway, slugging beer and muttering to yourself.

Follow James M. Berklan @JimBerklan.