Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX)
Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX)

House lawmakers on Monday announced the formation of a new initiative that will use healthcare provider input to help reduce regulatory burdens within the Medicare program.

The initiative, dubbed the “Medicare Red Tape Relief Project,” will be overseen by the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee and will comprise three stages: requesting stakeholder feedback, hosting roundtable discussions with stakeholders, and taking “Congressional action” based on provider feedback.

“As the size of our senior population and the Medicare program continue to grow, so does the pile of burdensome and unnecessary paperwork that Washington imposes on our nation’s healthcare professionals,” said Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) in a statement. “Today, our committee, led by Chairman [Pat] Tiberi [R-OH], is taking steps to roll back the mandates and regulations that have piled up over time and prevented providers from their top priority: helping patients.”

To kick off the project, the committee is seeking stakeholder input on two questions:

  • How can Congress give providers statutory relief from mandates established in law?
  • How can Congress work with federal health officials, such as Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Secretary Seema Verma, to deliver regulatory relief through administrative action?

Feedback for the committee must be submitted by Aug. 25 using this form. Completed forms can be emailed to [email protected].