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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is hoping to even out the way civil monetary penalties are imposed via recently published revisions to its CMP Analytic Tool.

The revisions, outlined in a memo to state survey agency directors on Friday, aims to “increase national consistency” when it comes to imposing CMPs, and reduce variations due to factors like the date of noncompliance and the timing of the revisit survey.

Among the revisions are changes to past noncompliance. The revisions will make per-instance CMPs the default for non-compliance that existed before the survey, and per-day CMPs the default for non-compliance that existed during the survey and afterwards.

CMS recently announced that it would not impose penalties on providers for failing to be up to Phase 2 survey standards for a year after Nov. 28.

Click here to read CMS’ full memo. Past versions of the CMP Tool will become obsolete, and the new revisions will go into effect on July 17.