Windsor Healthcare Communities
Windsor Healthcare Communities

The Windsor Garden Care Center’s Bronze Award in the High Tech/High Touch category of the McKnight’s Technology Awards in 2013 reflected the burgeoning use of video.

Windsor Garden collaborated to create a workout video via YouTube, while a sister facility, Canterbury Care & Rehabilitation Center, received a certificate of merit for developing the Canterbury News Network, posted on YouTube.

Since 2013, new productions have included a dance video and the “Pink Glove” video for cancer awareness, says Patty Brush, who left Windsor Garden in 2013 and is now the life enrichment director at sister facility Venetian Care & Rehabilitation Center in New Jersey.

The buildings currently collaborate on a news show. Each group contributes a snippet — The Venetian’s is cooking. Regional director Ricky Pena combines it all after a full day of filming,

“It brings everybody together,” Brush says. “We really enjoy watching our buildings in the video.” 

“We are all working toward that Eden Alternative philosophy,” she adds. “The videos give the elders something to look forward to.”

She says the videos were originally the idea of elders. Now, “it’s a tradition.”

“When you tell the elders, they’re right there and into it,” she notes.