Stephen J. Maag, J.D.
Stephen J. Maag, J.D.

Q: What’s changed with regard to movie licensing in long-term care?

A: In 2010, the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation approached us, and we negotiated with them. At the time the licensing only applied to independent living. Skilled nursing facilities were still okay. Last year, they came back and said we need to have skilled nursing and assisted living under the umbrella. LeadingAge members can sign up and receive a 10% discount until March 15.

Q: What is the difference between someone watching a movie on an iPad and showing it in a common room?

A: If I sit down and watch a movie in my apartment, that’s personal use, but if I take the DVD into the common area and watch it with 20 people, that’s a public performance.

Q: Why should providers do this?

A: Technically the copyright laws apply. It has pretty dramatic fines. [MPLC] assured me if someone flagrantly and frequently violated it, they’ll pursue it. 

Q: How should providers budget for this?

A: It’s based on number of units, so for many communities we’re talking about $1,000 to $2,000 a year. 

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