James M. Berklan
James M. Berklan

I’d say the thing we write about most often in this line of work is payment issues. As a long-term care provider, you are eternally under pressure with whether there will be enough to pay for everything.

Uncle Sam, plaintiff’s lawyers, regulators and others, they all seem to be very interested in your wallet, don’t they?

And when it comes to conferences or trips, the first question you subconscious might ask is, “How can I afford to do it?”

Well, the good news is, I’ve found something that you can’t afford to not do. The reasons are twofold: First, the price is right. That’s correct: You can keep your hand away from your wallet.

As a good friend once told me with a smile when I tried to patronizing his business, “Your money’s no good here!” Welcome words indeed.

The second reason, frankly, is even better than the first: I’m talking about five educational sessions led by national experts on topics that are the lifeblood of your career. Free learning, including continuing education (CE) credits, all for less than the price of the lint in your pocket.

Crazy talk, Jim, you say.

I think not.

Do you fret about surveyor visits? Of course you do. “Strategies for surviving the survey” is going to save you sleep — and probably stomach lining. It will be led by attorney Paula Sanders, one of the nation’s most innovative minds in this area.

How about Medicare compliance? Important to you? Can’t think of anybody better than Leah Klusch to give you the latest you need to know.

Collecting resident data but not really sure you’re getting the most out of it? Silly question. “Your data always tell you what to do … are you listening?” is the session led by expert Mark Pavlovich that will give you the answers to revive the bottom line.

And back to the topic of dollars and cents, how about getting an hour of knowledge from Beth Burnham Mace, the chief economist for the leading capital-focused association in the seniors housing and and care industry? Indulgent.

Finally, if there’s any care issue that keeps you awake more than the threat of pressure ulcers, experts have yet to find it. The only people who like these “injuries” are the lawyers drooling to sue you. So how could you pass up “Accident or Intentional? Assessing patient injuries in long-term care” and the opportunity to learn from academic expert Daniel Sheridan, Ph.D.?

You can’t.

Like I said at the top, you can’t afford to not take part in the 11th Annual McKnight’s Online Expo, which runs March 14 and 15 on the Internet-enabled device of your choice.

Reminder: It’s no cost to you … unless you decide not to attend, that is.

Just ask the surveyors, lawyers and regulators panting to take advantage of any uninformed provider they can find.

More information and registration for McKnight’s 11th Online Expo can be found here.

Follow James M. Berklan @JimBerklan.