Josh Seidman
Josh Seidman

Value-based purchasing initiatives and a focus on post-acute partnerships are likely to persist in 2017, despite the possibility of “repeal and replace” of the Affordable Care Act, according to Avalere Health experts in a January webinar.

The future existence of ACA provisions such as Medicaid expansion, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation and the Independent Payment Advisory Board are all up for debate. Expected to be safe in the event of an appeal are provisions related to payment and delivery reform.

Josh Seidman, senior vice president for Avalere, added that for the most part, the value-based payment “train has left the station,” due to private-sector initiatives and government demonstration projects. Those demos are likely to survive in the new administration, Seidman said, since they have wide bipartisan support.

Avalere’s “2017 Healthcare Industry Outlook,” also published last month, highlighted the need for “optimal use of post-acute care” under new payment models. It noted  providers “have an opportunity to partner with hospitals to improve performance and lower costs as payment reform continues.” 

Avalere also predicted a proliferation of measures via the Medicare Quality Payment Program’s qualified clinical data registries.