Dr. Andrew Sandler
Dr. Andrew Sandler

At Abe’s Garden, we know the alarming statistics about Alzheimer’s and dementia. However, the focus of all who work and volunteer here are the unique adults we care for every day. 

Our staff cares for individuals in various stages of Alzheimer’s and dementia by providing elevated residential assisted living and day/evening care; and our leadership team provides multi-faceted support to the professionals and family members who provide this care.

While each day we serve as a resource for Middle Tennessee families, our goal is to transform the care of those with Alzheimer’s and related dementias by establishing a national model of care for those suffering from these disorders. We are transforming care throughout the United States by developing innovative community-based services and expanding distribution of tools that improve care, regardless of where it is provided.

Abe’s Garden is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide these services and tools at no or affordable cost. To accomplish this, the organization relies on and values grant funding and contributions from individuals. 

Recently, Kelly Clarkson, Grammy-award winning artist and friend of Abe’s Garden, selected the organization as a beneficiary of her Miracle on Broadway concert, performed in Nashville. It is significant philanthropic acts like these, as well as contributions of all sizes, that enable Abe’s Garden to assist families seeking improved Alzheimer’s care throughout the United States.

The newest resource from Abe’s Garden is a free online video series, featuring campus residents and their care partners, demonstrating evidence-based care techniques. The first video in this series offers strategies to help friends and family members communicate with loved one who have dementia. Throughout the year, we will premiere additional videos, each one featuring evidence-based information designed to improve the way dementia care is provided. You can view the first video here.

Other free resources available from Abe’s Garden include a guide to How to Evaluate the Quality of Residential Care for Persons with Dementia as well as the Abe’s Garden newsletter, a quarterly e-newsletter with helpful advice and tools.

At Abe’s Garden, we’re constantly learning, adapting and sharing best practices. We implement strategies then systematically observe and analyze the results to determine efficacy. We share what we learn so family and professional care partners have evidence-based information to help them provide more effective care. For more information about Abe’s Garden and the services we provide, please visit https://www.abesgarden.org/.

Andrew B. Sandler, Ph.D., is the executive director and CEO of Abe’s Garden Alzheimer’s and Memory Care Center of Excellence.