Image of male nurse pushing senior woman in a wheelchair in nursing facility
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JobFindah Network and Vikus Corporation announced a partnership that lets clients have access to each other’s platforms.

Vikus clients can now access to JFN’s internet job posting and job distribution services, outreach partnerships and compliance reporting software. JFN customers will be able to use Vikus’ hiring software.

“Vikus has been a trusted partner of the senior care community for almost a decade making accessible innovative and effective solutions to help find and hire better,” said Billy Mullins, CEO at the Vikus Corporation. “With JobFindah Network, we continue that tradition by giving our customers a best-in-class choice for their OFCCP/EEO compliance in talent acquisition and affirmative action programs.”

JFN focuses on talent acquisition for OFCCP compliance job posting, audit support and reporting, as well as diversity job distribution.