Obama’s administration highlights Medicare reimbursements.
Obama’s administration highlights Medicare reimbursements.

Before he exits the White House, President Barack Obama and his administration remain focused on adjusting Medicare reimbursements.

Several groups have pushed back against changing Medicare Part B to paying a flat fee for medications, and others have expressed concern about Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation demonstration projects.

The American Health Care Association is “not opposed to modernizing Medicare with a particular emphasis on improving quality,” said Mike Cheek, senior vice president for reimbursement.

However, it “is concerned about the number of demonstrations CMMI is putting up, many with little evidence on outcomes for beneficiaries.” This includes information on Comprehensive Joint Replacement and Bundled Payment Care Improvement demos.

“CMMI has not released any data or preliminary information on CJR experiences because the demonstration has not been operating long enough to collect such information,” Cheek said. 

AHCA “urges the agency to consider the pace of change and unknowns about existing programs before introducing more variables,” he added.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has already met its 2016 goal of 30% of Medicare payments in alternative payment models.