Steve Fromm, ACHCA 2016-2017 Board Chairman
Steve Fromm, ACHCA 2016-2017 Board Chairman

Q: What was your election platform? 

A: It’s always been increasing our network of administrators and becoming a stronger voice for administrators. Rather than let other associations lead post-acute care, ACHCA needs to be that leader.

Q: So, more political action?

A: That is part of it, but I see more in terms of forming partnerships and alliances. We need to be the ones to set that table and the direction of long-term care. We’re hands-on with the residents and know what needs to be done.

Q: What did you learn as a member of the finance committee in 2015?

A: From a financial standpoint of the college, it’s in the strongest position that it has been in years. We have a new CEO and new board and it is an exciting time. 

Q: What are some of your goals?

A: To really expand our membership. Administrators should recognize the value of being part of ACHCA growth.

Q: With growing membership, what’s the strategy?

A: If each of us shares the value with our peers, then hopefully we can begin to see membership grow. The personal touch is what draws people in. It’s
about “What ACHCA means to me.”