For-profit SNFs now account for 69.8% of all facilities in the U.S.
For-profit SNFs now account for 69.8% of all facilities in the U.S.

Medium-sized nursing homes and for-profit facilities have seen the biggest increases in number of facilities over the last five years, according to new data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

The 2015 Nursing Home Data Compendium, released by CMS in late March, showed that there was a slight decrease in the number of nursing homes across all size categories over the past five years, with the exception of facilities with between 50 and 99 beds. That category saw modest growth in the number of facilities, with a 1.2% increase since 2010.

The largest nursing homes, those with 200 or more beds, saw the biggest decrease with 2.9% fewer facilities.

In general, the last five years have brought an end to the decline in the number of skilled nursing facilities seen in the past decade. 

Between 2010 and 2014, 19 states had an increase in the number of nursing facilities, with Alaska, Nevada and Arizona leading the pack at 20%, 8.2% and 5.8%, respectively. An additional seven states saw no net change over the past five years. 

Vermont, North Dakota and Maine topped the list of states that saw a drop in nursing homes between 2010 and 2014, with 7.5%, 5.9% and 4.6% decreases, respectively. 

For-profit nursing homes had the biggest increases in number of facilities, compared to nonprofit and government- owned facilities, according to the compendium. For-profit facilities have grown 1.6% since 2010, and now make up 69.8% of all nursing homes and 72.2% of nursing home beds in the United States.

The number of nonprofit nursing homes across the country dipped 6.3% over the five-year time period covered by the compendium. Government-owned facilities remain the smallest ownership sector, but nonetheless saw “substantial” growth of 8.5% between 2010 and 2014, according to the compendium.