James M. Berklan
James M. Berklan

Say what you want about long-term care professionals because I’ve just about heard it all. They work too hard, they whine too much, they work for too little, they should be watched closer, and so on. But one thing is inarguable: They’re opportunists, and they like to find a good deal.

Perhaps it’s a bit like the underfunded (now there’s a familiar term) family that finds a way to make use of every leftover, be it food, scrap of cloth or spare part. They get things done, and they’re usually the ones helping you in the end.

Often, it’s because they keep their eyes open and wait for special moments. That’s one of the reasons I think the presenters at our annual Online Expo are so overwhelmed each year. Eager, opportunistic attendees come in huge numbers, and they’re thirsty for knowledge.

Let’s face it: They’re also taking advantage of one of the best professional opportunities around — no-cost webinars on fantastic topics, presented by national experts. Oh, and they also get free CE credits.

Not bad for staying put and spending virtually nothing.

We’re not encouraging laziness. On the contrary. We just figure one of the Online Expo’s greatest appeals is being viable to the hustling, cost-conscious provider.

And what will you get for attending the 10th Annual McKnight’s Online Expo, which runs March 29-30 in your computer?

• Leah Klusch, one of the nation’s foremost experts on the MDS and payment issues

• Joyce Black, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, the past president of the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Board

• David Finklestein, chief information officer for of the biggest and most progressive providers in the nation

• Elaine Healy, M.D, FACP, CMD, a well-known medical affairs executive, and

• Beth Burnham Mace, the chief economist for the premier seniors investment and housing group

Sessions encompass payment, wound care, technology, quality and capital issues, respectively. Whether you’re an expert in one of these areas or not doesn’t matter. The session is for you.

Each webinar is carefully created to be valuable to anyone working in long-term care — from the back room to the board room, whether the position is in administration or clinical.

Everyone learns from everyone else … just as we all should.

You can take advantage of this great professional opportunity by registering here. Come and go as you please, but all indications are you will definitely be pleased.

James M. Berklan is McKnight’s Editor. Follow him @JimBerklan.