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An Alabama nursing home has settled a discrimination complaint after it allegedly fired a transgender woman, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Jessi Dye reported for her first day at Summerford Nursing Home Inc., in Falkville, AL, last November, only to be fired after a senior management official questioned her about her sex, gender identity and anatomy, according to a complaint filed by the SPLC with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The official reportedly asked Dye how she expected to interact with residents when she “looked one way” and was “another way” on paper. When asked, the official confirmed to Dye she was being fired for identifying as a transgender woman.

Summerford has agreed to an undisclosed financial settlement and will implement new policies prohibiting gender and sexual orientation discrimination. Human resources employees, and the official who fired Dye, also will attend LGBT training by the SPLC.

A Summerford spokesman declined to comment on the settlement.