McKnight's Fall Online Expo
McKnight’s Fall Online Expo

McKnight’s 3rd Annual Online Expo will kick off tomorrow, with webinars hosted by industry experts addressing hot topics like technology, staffing and gearing up for changes in Medicare reimbursement.

In other Medicare-related news, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have recently released a revision for claim reviews, which restricts auditors’ reviews to the reason why a payment claim was originally denied. Auditors were previously allowed to reject claims based on issues unrelated to the original reason payment was denied, even if that original reason had been fixed. That revision applies to appeals received on or after August 1, 2015.

Payment issues such as this revision will be covered during the Fall Online Expo by McKnight’s Long-Term Care News “Ask the Payment Expert” columnist Patricia Boyer, MSM, RN, NHA during the 12:30 pm ET session “The New Face of Medicare Reimbursement.” In addition to webinars, the expo will also feature a virtual trade show exhibit hall.

Registration, all three sessions and accompanying continuing education credits are free for attendees. Registration for the McKnight’s Fall Online Expo is ongoing here. Have a question or concern? Ask questions during the Expo in the lounge, or on Twitter using #mckonlineexpo.