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The average price of a private room in a U.S. nursing home costs $70,080 per year, or $192 per day, according to the 2004 MetLife Market Survey of Nursing Home and Home Care Costs.

Alaska nursing homes have the highest rates, costing an average of $204,756 per year, or $561 per day, said the report, which was released Monday by MetLife Mature Market Institute. Shreveport, LA, posts the lowest rates, at $36,135 per year, or $99 per day.

These 2004 findings show an increase of nearly 6% annually in nursing home costs compared to the 2003 report. The average daily rate of a private room in 2003 was $66,065, or $181 per day.

Researchers at LifePlans, Inc., conducted the survey by telephone for MetLife Mature Market Institute in July and August 2004. They included nursing homes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.