Providers cheer bill, want cap relief
Providers cheer bill, want cap relief

Long-term care providers were among those cheering loudest when the Senate returned from its spring recess and promptly voted 92-8 to pass H.R. 2, ensuring that draconian Medicare pay rates for doctors wouldn’t take hold.

‘Doc fix’ patches that put off cuts called for under the Sustainable Growth Rate had been defaulted to 17 times previously.

“This is a historic day in Washington,” said American Health Care President and CEO Mark Parkinson. “The Senate’s bipartisan effort to pass H.R. 2 is a proud moment for our country and will impact millions of patients, families and providers in a truly positive way.”

The Senate’s decisive action came April 14, its second day back after spring recess staved off the actual processing Medicare payment cuts of 21.2% for physicians, that went into effect April 1.

Among the most disappointed: Therapy providers who were hoping Congress also would pass an amendment sponsored by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD) to finally repeal Medicare Part B outpatient therapy caps