Beverly Spencer, Clorox Healthcare
Beverly Spencer, Clorox Healthcare

Healthcare associated infections are major causes of transfers from long-term care facilities to acute care hospitals and readmission within 30 days after discharge, yet many of them are preventable. In fact, during McKnight’s free June 4 webcast, prevention strategies will be discussed for Clostridium difficile, one of the most challenging HAIs to avoid.

C. difficile is responsible for 14,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, while 75% of them occur in nursing home residents. The HAI costs at least $1 billion in extra healthcare fees annually.

The interactive forum will be led by Beverly Spencer, business team leader for healthcare training for Clorox Healthcare. Spencer will provide information, prevention techniques and environmental strategies to try and stop the spread of C. difficile. McKnight’s Senior Editor Elizabeth Newman will moderate the event.

The webcast will begin at 1 p.m. ET. For more information, or to register, click here.