Katherine Canda
Katherine Canda

Many providers never get the chance to reduce pressure ulcers and resident falls while also meeting quality improvement goals. Attendees at McKnight’s Oct. 29 webinar, however, will hear first hand how one continuing care retirement community did, and learn how they can do it too. The free event begins at 1 p.m. (Eastern Time).

Katherine Canda, the assistant director of nursing at The Terrace of Los Gatos in Las Gatos, CA, will be the featured speaker. She will explain how leaders established a strategy and deployed resident monitoring technology to reduce both ulcers and falls. Included will be recommendations about data analytics and best practices.

For more information about, or to register for, “Patient Safety Monitoring: Reducing Pressure Ulcers and Resident Falls While Meeting QAPI Goals,” click here. The webinar, which is being sponsored by Stanley Healthcare, will be moderated by McKnight’s Editor, James M. Berklan.