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A growing number of business-to-business marketers have begun using videos to get their message across, according to a survey sponsored by Vidyard and conducted by Demand Metric. And most firms appear happy with the results. This is especially true for software and tech companies that can use a well-produced, clear and concise video to simultaneously explain how their product works and the benefit it delivers. However, despite the increased adoption of video marketing, not all marketers are getting the most out of the content.

Among the more notable findings:

— Despite the lowered costs, smaller companies make fewer videos: 36% of large companies (over $500 million in annual revenue) are producing more than 100 marketing videos annually, compared to just 4% for small companies (less than $25 million annual revenue) and just 5% for medium companies ($26 to $500 million) that are producing videos at this same pace.

— Video converts customers better than other content: Most marketers (68%) agreed that video was better than other forms of content when it comes to getting customers to convert. That confidence decreased slightly when it came to ROI, with only 48% saying that returns through video were getting better. 25% said it was mostly the same, while 26% said they had no idea if it was working.

Metrics are getting more advanced: Even though they’re making more videos, most companies (48%) are using basic metrics such as views or shares. However a significant portion (38%) were using more advanced metrics to track the effectiveness of video, such as average viewing duration, embed locations, viewer drop off rates and heat maps.