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Caremerge has teamed up with Aver Informatics to provide help for those pursuing bundled payment initiatives.

Aver Informatics is a bundled payment data management platform, and the integrated solution will let providers minimize risk, said Caremerge CEO Asif Khan.

“The biggest thing that skilled nursing is thinking about is moving towards transitional care and part of that is a lot of these providers are applying for bundled payments,” Khan told McKnight’s. “How you have a simple plug and play solution that helps you get ready for bundled payments? That’s why we partnered with Aver.”

Historical claims data is put into Aver Informatics, and providers setup the same diagnosis for patients. Caremerge’s care coordination platform includes transitions, shared scheduling, shared calendars and other care amenities. Data from Caremerge is then fed back into Aver to let providers identify episodes rather than wait for claims information over weeks.

Caremerge allows providers to track patients over time and over care transitions, Khan said.

“We have an ability to create clinical pathways. If a patient comes into the provider or bundled payment convener, all these other partners get notified by Caremerge that this is the patient and status,” he said. “For example, once a patient moves to home health they have necessary care plan. … As they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, it’s getting fed into Aver Informatics. You’re getting real time understanding of your risks.”

Khan said models that rely on silos are “going to collapse pretty soon.”

“Senior living hasn’t adopted new technology because the systems can’t talk to each other,” he said, but eventually “everything is going to be through bundled payments.”