Nursing home workers used a defibrillator and performed CPR on a resident against his wishes.
Nursing home workers used a defibrillator and performed CPR on a resident against his wishes.

Authorities have fined a Florida nursing home $16,000 for reviving a resident who had a do-not-resuscitate order. 

A 75-year-old male resident stopped breathing in the facility’s dining room, prompting staff to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and activate a defibrillator. 

A licensed practical nurse  who had helped revive the man located his do-not-resuscitate order — dated 2010 and signed by a physician and legal guardian — only after paramedics had taken him to the hospital, The Associated Press reported. 

The event occurred in February at 291-bed Jacaranda Manor in St. Petersburg, according to news reports published in June. 

State records did not indicate what happened to the resident after he was placed in intensive care at the hospital with tubes in his lungs, according to the Tampa Bay Times. Dementia and chronic airway obstruction were among the man’s 20 health conditions, the records showed.

The Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration fined the facility in May, according to a Times account. The facility reportedly has retrained its staff. 

Nursing home residents often change their mind about CPR after they are admitted, with many switching to do-not-resuscitate orders, according to research findings published last year in Medical Care.