McKnight's honored for best healthcare news for fifth straight year
McKnight’s honored for best healthcare news for fifth straight year

McKnight’s Long-Term Care News is being honored for having the best news coverage among healthcare publications for a record fifth straight year. In all, the McKnight’s editorial team earned four honors in the 2014 ASHPE national awards program, which announced winners Thursday.

The Gold Award for Best News Coverage leads a list that includes Silver Awards for Best Special Report/Section and Best Website/Online Presence. McKnight’s also earned a Bronze Award for the third time for its annual Industry Directory in the Best Special Supplement, Annual or Buyer’s Guide category.

McKnight’s has now earned 15 Gold and 53 ASHPE awards overall, far and away the leader in its market, and many others.

“This is an outstanding showing and reflects excellence in print, online, individual writing and market-awareness categories,” said McKnight’s Editorial Director John O’Connor. “Such breadth is remarkable and may be unequaled among the list of all ASHPE winners this year.”

Elizabeth Newman’s in-depth reporting package called “Wither the County Home?” won one of the Silver Awards. It impressed judges for its unique, original research into the struggles of county-run nursing homes across the country.

Meanwhile, the depth of reporting and frequent updating of stories and blogs helped earn a Silver Award for Best Website/Online Presence of a Publication.

“It’s humbling to be recognized by our peers in such an esteemed competition,” O’Connor said. “It just shows what hard work and dedication can accomplish. I couldn’t be prouder of the McKnight’s team.”

The ASHPE Awards are bestowed by the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors. ASHPE is committed to fostering the highest ethical standards in management; rewarding excellence in publications development and editorial performance; and serving as an authority on evolving trends in the healthcare publishing sector. In 2009, it honored McKnight’s as its Publication of the Year.