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American HealthTech has passed the ICD-10 claim test for Medicare Billing 837i and Form CMS-UB04, the company announced.

It also passed testing with all Medicare fiscal intermediaries. The 837i (Institutional) is a uniform institutional billing claim form used by skilled nursing facilities and other institutions to transmit claims electronically. The UB04 is the standard paper claim form to bill Medicare Fee-For-Service Contractors when a paper claim is allowed. The 837I and UB04 may be suitable for billing various government, and some private, insurers as well, AHT said.

“Even though ICD-10 transition has been delayed, providers should still be preparing today,” said Teresa Chase, president of American HealthTech. “There are benefits they can attain now through cross-walking, testing and training, so providers are well-prepared to realize the full benefits of ICD-10 soon after implementation. For these important reasons, the delay shouldn’t mean providers should stop their progress or momentum.”