Hill-Rom introduces new bed system
Hill-Rom introduces new bed system

Hill-Rom is introducing the Progressa® bed system at the American Organization of Nurse Executives annual meeting in Orlando, FL.

The Progressa bed system is a therapeutic system designed to treat and prevent complications of immobility, the company said, and addresses patient migration via its StayInPlacetechnology. The bed can extend along with the patient when moving from lying to sitting. As the patient sits up, the bed extends, providing continuous support. It also gathers information on the patient and the bed and sends that information to a status board at the nurses’ station, via the nurse call system.

“We’ve worked closely with nursing experts to pioneer clinical practices, programs and products like the Progressa bed system that leverage technology to enable therapy delivery while easing the lifting and repositioning burden that can cause harm to nurses,” says Melissa Fitzpatrick, RN, MSN, FAAN, vice president and Chief Clinical Officer at Hill-Rom.