NLRB revisits rules that would speed up union elections; House members object
NLRB revisits rules that would speed up union elections; House members object

The National Labor Relations Board is again recommending changes that would allow union organizers to speed up elections, drawing the ire of some House Republicans.

NLRB’s proposals are the same as what it recommended in 2011, but a federal court invalidated those decisions, saying there were problems with the approval process. The 2014 rule would change procedure in union elections, such as allowing for electronic filing of election petitions and consolidating all election-related appeals into a single appeals process. The goal is “enhancing transparency and eliminating unnecessary litigation and delay,” the board stated.

While no final decisions have been made, “re-issuing the 2011 proposals is the most efficient and effective rulemaking process at this time,” stated NLRB chairman Mark Pearce.

While unions say this would rid the system of litigation used to delay elections, business groups say it would hinder employers from being able to launch challenges.

Three Democrats on the NLRB board signed off on the rule in December, while the two Republicans on the panel dissented. The House Education and Workforce Committee, led by Rep. John Kline (R-MN) sent a letter to Pearce on Thursday, saying the rule would hurt workers and employers.

“We are concerted that, like its predecessor, this rule will seriously limit employer free speech and undermine employee free choice,” states the letter, which was signed by Kline and Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-TN).

In 2011, Kline described the rule as having a “job-destroying agenda.” The current letter calls for Pearce to answer questions at a committee briefing Tuesday. It can be seen here