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Antibiotic resistance and prescription drug abuse are among the top global threats expected in 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

More than 2 million people in the United States catch infections that are resistant to antibiotics each year, causing death for at least 23,000 people, the CDC said. One of the agency’s goals is to work on improving antibiotic use, gathering data on antibiotic-resistant infections, preventing infection, and developing diagnostic tests to track resistance.

The CDC also wants to work on state efforts to develop and evaluate strategies for preventing prescription drug abuse and overdose, the agency said. Around 16,500 people died from painkiller overdoses in 2010.

Efforts to increase HPV vaccination for young adults, completely eradicate polio, and increase preparation for global public health threats are also on the CDC’s 2014 list.

The CDC also listed health success stories for 2013. These included discovering that bloodstream infections in patients with central lines have decreased by 44% since 2008, and that surgical-site infections have decreased by a fifth.