Rene Buck, Allegro Senior Living
Rene Buck, Allegro Senior Living

As 2013 came to a close, 3M phased out support of its HomeFree nurse call system. Leaders at Allegro Senior Living carefully weighed replacement options. Today, they say they are happy with the decision to adopt the SARA system from Status Solutions with a SARA/3M-HomeFree interface from JNL Technologies.

As the prime contractor for 3M-HomeFree, JNL was able to purchase remaining inventory and extend the lifespans of HomeFree systems. This has enabled JNL to seamlessly transition customers from one system to another, says Allegro Regional Manager Rene Buck.

The new system offers functions, such as call forwarding, that HomeFree lacked, Buck notes. 

“It’s better built,” he says.

However, Buck says that JNL’s “impressive” customer service is what sets the company apart.

“They’ve been very responsive,” he says.

Allegro, which has facilities in Florida and Kentucky, likely will consider other JNL products, Buck says.

Nurse call system

The Status Solutions SARA system with JNL’s SARA/3M-HomeFree interface integrates alerting and reporting functions in one platform. This reduces labor hours and hardware costs and enhances resident care.

For more information:

(262) 244-7409

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